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A-Mase – Heartbeat

“Heartbeat” is an exciting and energetic future house track from talented producers A-Mase and Vlad Varel. From the first notes, the music penetrates the heart and makes it beat to the rhythm of strong bass and pulsating melodies. This track is full of energy and drive, as its sound is filled not only with piercing synthesizers and drums, but also with soulful vocal samples that emphasize the importance of every moment in life.”Heartbeat” is perfect for club dancing, parties, and festivals, where everyone can feel like a part of a powerful and united energy created by music. This track leaves unforgettable emotions and reminds us that each of us has a living and beating heart that is ready for new adventures and accomplishments.

[4:27] 1. A-mase – Heartbeat
[2:55] 2. A-mase – Heartbeat (Radio Mix)

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