Broken Toy – Unique Voices Of Psytrance Vol. 7
- Title: Unique Voices Of Psytrance Vol. 7
- Artist: Tenobi
- Label:
- Catalog: MEMO166
- Released: 09.10.2023
- Type: Compilation
- Genre
1. In A Dark, Dark House 06:46
2. Fragile 08:32
3.Toys Just Wanna Have Fun 09:21
4. Girls And Boys 06:52
5. Fucking Machines 06:44
6. Psycho Bitches 07:35
7. Down on the Farm 06:54
8. Candy 07:39
9. Necessary Roughness 08:22
10. Low Down and Dirty 06:46
11. The Freakshow 08:06
12. Change/Derange 06:59Unique Voices Of Psytrance Vol. 7 by Broken Toy
id: 352029 /
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